Merion Forge Wrought Iron Nakiri 210mm Alder Wood

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Dominik Filip (Merion Forge) is a young and very talented bladesmith hailing from the Czech Republic. At only 23 years old its astonishing the quality and attention to detail in his knives. A long admiring of craft works lead Dominic to Arts School where he studied blacksmithing for 3 years. He also studied as an apprentice under the renowned swordsmith Pavel Bolf where he gained many Japanese techniques he uses in his knives today. All of Dominiks blades are hand forged and hand laminated, finished on Japanese waterstones.

This Wrought Iron Nakiri was made using a core steel of 1.2008 high carbon steel laminated in wrought iron. The blade has natural texture from forging with a wide bevel style grind finished on a progression of Japanese natural stones. The handle is hybrid octagonal/oval stabilized Alder wood with a buffalo horn ferrule.

Edge length: 212mm
Height at heel: 60.5mm
Spine thickness: 3.5mm
Weight: 256g