Tanso Combination Stone #1200/#4000

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Our house brand of stones "Tanso" is produced in Japan by a traditional 3rd generation whetstone manufacturer. When we first visited their factory we were happily pleased to see just how handmade these stones were.  Each batch is hand mixed, pressed, and fired in a kiln for 36 hours. Every batch is quality tested for cutting performance and optimum hardness. The best qualities of these stones are the exceptional cutting speed and feedback during use. 

This is a combination stone with 1000# grit on one side and #4000 grit on the other side. We loved these stones so much we really wanted to offer both in one affordable package. Our #1200 grit has very fast cutting speed and works well with a variety of steel types. The 4000 grit is one of our most used stones here in the shop. The edges feel refined but maintain a nice amount of bite. The 4000 grit has enough speed for daily touchup or stropping in use by itself.

Tanso stones are soaking stones and should be placed in water for about 10 minutes before use. Like all soaking stones, when dried they should be in a cool and dark area to avoid drying the stone too rapidly. Drying your stones in a hot area or in direct sunlight can cause damage over time.

Measurements: 202x65x29mm