HI-CONDITION Hanpu Canvas 9 Pockets Knife Roll Black

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HI-CONDITION is headquartered in Asaksabashi. This area of Tokyo was famous as ‘the city of textile and leather craftsmen’ but now there fewer people carrying on that tradition. With Hi-CONDITION, we strive to keep that tradition alive with an attention to detail and quality that honors the history of Taito.

They began as a creative hub and gallery where artists exhibited their artwork and apparel, this included HI-CONDITION's own stencil art. As the gallery progressed, the brand HI-CONDITION was born, incorporating a network of craftsman with their years of art experience into a range of premium apparel, bags kitchen wear and accessories.

HI-CONDITION imparts vivid color and positivity to your life, creating products to the highest of standards, quality items that you will find daily enjoyment from during years of use. 

Detailed Spec

Brand: HI-CONDITION ハイコンディション
Maker: Yuji Osada 長田 勇次
Producing Area: Tokyo/ Japan
Product Type: Knife Roll
Size: 9 Pockets
Weight: 620g