Ichimi Togarashi (Japanese Red Chili Pepper Powder)

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Made only with the Santaka variety chili pepper, Yawataya Isogoro’s Ichimi Togarashi isn’t just hot, but has the sweetness and rich aroma of red pepper as well. Their preeminent roasting technique contributes to extracting the maximum amount of Santaka pepper’s flavor and aroma. Simply sprinkle it on top of dishes as a garnish, or mix it with whatever you are cooking—rice, pasta, stir-fries, soups or stews. It also adds a wonderful and unique kick to vegetable sticks, potato chips, French fries, pizza, and cocktails like Bloody Mary.

Container holds 0.49 oz 

Ingredients: red peper


Made by Yawataya Isogoro

Since 1736, Yawataya Isogoro has been producing shichimi togarashi (a mix of seven-kinds of spices) in the northwest part of Nagano, a region with easy access to locally grown ingredients. Yawataya has been thriving as a small batch producer of shichimi togarashi. The distinctive flavor reminiscent of the mountainous region makes it a standout spice among the many other shichimi togarashi products available in Japan.